Harbord School Canteen
Harbord P&C run our wonderful school canteen. It is a not for profit enterprise which we aim to run at break-even or better, to ensure it is as cost effective as possible for all Harbord families to use. We are very lucky to have such a fantastic canteen and staff although we do have to review costs regularly and sometimes raise prices to ensure we cover our costs. Please be sure to use our canteen to help revenue, which actually helps keep costs down.
Latest Promotions
This year the Canteen team is hosting the Mother's Day activity. We are running a Picture Plate promotion.
Mammas have enough on their plate - be sure to order them a new one!
Each plate is decorated and has your child's artwork professionally sealed into the plate, in this Sydney based, solar powered family business. Order by 20 March (no late orders can be made) via your Flexischools account. Delivery in Term 2, just before Mother's Day.
Friday Ice Creams & Frozen Treats
Over the counter sales. Products on offer may vary according to availability. Cash & Card accepted - pls note that card carries a small surcharge.
Daily Specials
Every day is special at Harbord! Check out Flexischools to order the meal deal today - we are more than just Sushi (although we do love Sushi)!
- Monday Mac n' Cheese (V) $10
- Tuesday Chick Schnitzel Burger & fruit $10
- Wednesday Beef Burger & fruit $7 or $10
- Thursday Bolognaise Pasta $10
Over the counter options
Send some coins in with your little person and they could buy:
- Warm Popcorn $1.50
- Moosies $2.50
- Frozen Fruitcups $2.50
- Juicie Ice poles $2
- Frozen yoghurt $2.50
- Packets of Chips $2.50
- Emma & Toms Juice $4.50
Hot food highlights
Forget the old school canteen from 30 years ago, everything we sell tastes AMAZING!
- Homemade Pizza slices $3
- Chicken Pesto Pasta $7
- Fried Rice (V GF DF) $7
- Nachos $7
- Jan's famous Butter Chicken $7
- Many toasted sandwiches & wraps
- And much, much more!
About our Canteen
HPS canteen is a non-profit service to the school community managed by Jan. It provides recess and lunch orders for students and is open for over the counter service at both breaks. Food served is in accordance with the Dept of Education Healthy Food Strategy, we have high standards and are very good at managing allergies.
Usual Hours of operation are 7.30-2.30 daily.
All meals are cooked fresh on the premises using fresh ingredients. The canteen is NUT free and provides vegetarian & gluten-free (coeliac safe) options.
Our canteen is operated by the P&C volunteer committee to ensure we remain focussed on value, service and maintain our Healthy Foods Canteen Accreditation.
If you owe money to the canteen for an emergency order, please ensure you pay your IOUs promptly since there is no profit or government funds that this money can come from.
How to place your child's lunch order:
Our school uses Flexischools (the school online ordering system). You can sign up by visiting www.flexischools.com and following the prompts:
- You can pre order at a time convenient to you
- Once you create a standard order it can be set to order weekly, automatically
- You do not need to worry about providing bags and the correct change
- You will not be able to order items which are out of stock or unavailable
How your child receives their order:
Close to the break orders are placed in your child's class canteen tub. 2 students from each class will collect their class tub from the canteen for distribution back in the class under their teacher's supervision. Kindergarten class tubs are delivered to the classroom.
PSSA lunch orders (Friday):
If your child has been chosen to participate in PSSA and you would like to make a lunch order, it is imperative that you order from the PSSA lunch section only, due to the fact that the PSSA children are not at school at lunchtime. If you order from the usual menu your child will not receive their lunch.
Emergency lunches:
These are provided to children who arrive at school without any lunch. They need to be authorised by your child's teacher. Your child will be given the choice of a vegemite, ham or cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit. A note will be sent home with your child to notify you and advise of payment due. Payment is due via Flexischools IOU. Please pay as soon as you get the note - there is currently no automated way to ask you for the money.
We really, really rely on volunteers to make the canteen affordable - most volunteers help for 1 day per month (eg. 3rd Tues of each Month).
If you are able to assist please join the canteen volunteers WhatsApp group in our community and contact Jan on 0477 948 994
If you are unable to do a full day per month you may like to consider helping for 1-2 hours preparing the daily specials or be a back up helper for when someone is sick or we have a catering order on and need extra help.
Most of the volunteer work is organising and sticking on the stickers for orders so you do NOT have to be a fabulous chef to help (we already have a fabulous paid team for that!).