
Please ensure you are a 50c member of the P&C and on our mailing list to receive meeting updates, zoom invites and the opportunity to vote. Members will also receive any relevant follow up information from each meeting.

P&C Meeting dates 



    Meetings are the 4th Tuesday of every month in term time starting at 7:30pm for 1 hour - nearly all meetings are online via Zoom to encourage attendance, however some are onsite. Occasionally we have to reschedule due to availability of school or P&C leadership or clashes with events beyond our control.

    • Tuesday 25 February 
    • Tuesday 25 March 
    • April - cancelled due to school holidays -
    • Tuesday 27 May (AGM) - new candidates voted in to chair positions
    • Tuesday 24 June
    • Tuesday July - cancelled due to holidays - 
    • Tuesday 26 August
    • Tuesday 23 September
    • Tuesday 28 October
    • Tuesday 25 November - last meeting of the year -

    Whilst we discuss and vote on important matters for the School community, our meetings are friendly as well as informative. They may also come with the offer of a cool drink, when at school - although this is not guaranteed :)  Please feel free to join us, we look forward to seeing you there.

    This is not a Spring Fair Year!!